Lifelong learning ...
.... ensures the updating of knowledge and professional competence. It begins with the acquisition of a specialist title (Facharzt/Schwerpunkt) and lasts until retirement. Since 2007, continuing medical education has been enshrined as a professional obligation in the Medical Professions Act (MedBG). Continuing education is an ethical and, within the framework of Art. 40 lit. b MedBG, a legal obligation of every doctor. The aim of continuing medical education is
- To promote and maintain the health of patients and the population;
- To maintain the skills acquired in training and update them in line with the developments in medicine;
- To promote interest in research, teaching and quality promotion;
- To promote and improve the network of relationships and cooperation between all those involved in healthcare.
The purpose of the Swiss Institute of Medical Education (SIWF) training regulation is to promote high quality standards with the aim of providing safe medical care.